Codeanywhere – the best project from TechCrunch Disrupt NY startup alley!

Codeanywhere – the best project from TechCrunch Disrupt NY startup alley!

Project for which we have developed a complete mobile platform – Codeanywhere, is selected as the best project in TechCrunch Disrupt 2014 Startup Alley! #feelingproud

Codeanywhere is one of the mobile applications that we really enjoyed developing because it is a platform made by developers for developers! The idea is simple and useful, access and edit your code files from anywhere and any device. It is recognized and used by almost 200.000 developers worldwide, and you can use it for free with a large set of features.

In this video with on-stage presentation at TechCrunch Disrupt NY, all you can hear is “It’s awesome” reaction! Well, we think it’s awesome project too! And we did an awesome job in mobile apps development for Codenaywhere :).

You can check our previous Codenaywhere blog posts with mobile applications review, and you can read how Codeanywhere Android mobile application was launched by president of Croatia.

Above mockups are designed by studio. Codeanywhere mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone are developed by Profico. Codeanywhere is product of Codeanywhere Inc.

Mateo Perak

Mateo Perak

Founder, Managing Director

Passionate entrepreneur & IT engineer. In love with mobile & web technologies. Co-founded few companies and SHIFT Conference. Jiu jitsu freak.

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